OpenVeo test API

API Docs for: 8.0.0

File: lib/e2e/fields/MatchField.js

'use strict';

 * @module e2e

var util = require('util');
var browserExt = process.requireTest('lib/e2e/browser.js');
var Field = process.requireTest('lib/e2e/fields/Field.js');
var TextField = process.requireTest('lib/e2e/fields/TextField.js');
var TagsField = process.requireTest('lib/e2e/fields/TagsField.js');

 * Defines a form match field.
 * Use Field.get method to get an instance of MatchField.
 * @example
 *     var Field = require('@openveo/test').e2e.fields.Field;
 *     var MatchField = Field.get({
 *       type: 'match',
 *       name: 'My field',
 *       baseElement: element(by.css('form'))
 *     });
 * @class MatchField
 * @extends Field
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} conf A field configuration object
function MatchField(conf) {, conf);

  Object.defineProperties(this, {

     * The list of available options for tags.
     * @property availableOptions
     * @type Array
    availableOptions: {value: conf.availableOptions}


module.exports = MatchField;
util.inherits(MatchField, Field);

 * Defines a MatchTextField.
 * A MatchTextField is a field part of a match, it is pretty much like
 * a TextField except that it is part of a match.
 * @class MatchTextField
 * @extends TextField
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} conf Field configuration
 * @param {String} Field configuration
 * @param {ElementFinder} conf.baseElement The match element
function MatchTextField(conf) {, conf);
util.inherits(MatchTextField, TextField);

 * Gets match text field element wrapper.
 * @method getElement
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the element
MatchTextField.prototype.getElement = function() {
  return protractor.promise.fulfilled(this.baseElement.all(by.css('input')).get(0).element(by.xpath('..')));

 * Defines a MatchTagsField.
 * A MatchTagsField is a field part of a match, it is pretty much like
 * a TagsField except that it is part of a match.
 * @class MatchTagsField
 * @extends TagsField
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} conf Field configuration
 * @param {String} Field configuration
 * @param {ElementFinder} conf.baseElement The match element
function MatchTagsField(conf) {, conf);
util.inherits(MatchTagsField, TagsField);

 * Gets match tags field element wrapper.
 * @method getElement
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the element
MatchTagsField.prototype.getElement = function() {
  return protractor.promise.fulfilled(this.baseElement.element(by.css('.ov-field-tags')));

 * Gets value of a match.
 * @method getMatchValue
 * @private
 * @return {ElementFinder} matchFinder Finder for the match
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the value of the match
function getMatchValue(matchFinder) {
  var match = {};
  var textField = new MatchTextField({
    name: 'Whatever',
    baseElement: matchFinder
  var tagsField = new MatchTagsField({
    name: 'Whatever',
    baseElement: matchFinder,
    availableOptions: this.availableOptions

  return textField.getValue().then(function(text) {
    match.text = text;
    return tagsField.getValue();
  }).then(function(tags) {
    match.tags = tags;
    return protractor.promise.fulfilled(match);

 * Removes a match by clicking on the remove button.
 * @method removeMatch
 * @private
 * @return {ElementFinder} matchFinder Finder for the match
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the value of the match
function removeMatch(matchFinder) {

 * Adds a new match using add button, text field and tags field.
 * @method addMatchValue
 * @private
 * @return {Object} value The match value
 * @return {String} value.text The match text field value
 * @return {String} value.tags The match tags field value
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving when match has been added
function addMatchValue(value) {
  var finder;
  var self = this;

  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    finder = elementFinder;
  }).then(function() {
    var matchFinder = finder.all(by.repeater('match in matches')).last();

    var textField = new MatchTextField({
      name: 'Whatever',
      baseElement: matchFinder
    var tagsField = new MatchTagsField({
      name: 'Whatever',
      baseElement: matchFinder,
      availableOptions: self.availableOptions

    return textField.setValue(value.text).then(function() {
      return tagsField.setValue(value.tags);

 * Adds a new match using add button, text field and tags field with auto completion.
 * @method addMatchValueUsingAutoCompletion
 * @private
 * @return {Object} value The match value
 * @return {String} value.text The match text field value
 * @return {String} value.tags The match tags field value
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving when match has been added
function addMatchValueUsingAutoCompletion(value) {
  var finder;
  var self = this;

  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    finder = elementFinder;
  }).then(function() {
    var matchFinder = finder.all(by.repeater('match in matches')).last();

    var textField = new MatchTextField({
      name: 'Whatever',
      baseElement: matchFinder
    var tagsField = new MatchTagsField({
      name: 'Whatever',
      baseElement: matchFinder,
      availableOptions: self.availableOptions

    return textField.setValue(value.text).then(function() {
      return tagsField.setValueUsingAutoCompletion(value.tags);

 * Gets field value, the list of associations (matches).
 * @example
 *     myField.getValue().then(function(matches) {
 *       console.log(matches);
 *     });
 * @method getValue
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the list of matches
MatchField.prototype.getValue = function() {
  var self = this;

  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
    var promises = [];

    elementFinder.all(by.repeater('match in matches')).each(function(matchFinder) {
      promises.push(, matchFinder));
    }).then(function() {
      protractor.promise.all(promises).then(function(matches) {
      }, function(error) {

    return deferred.promise;

 * Sets field value.
 * @example
 *     myField.setValue([
 *       {
 *         text: 'text',
 *         tags: ['tags1', 'tags2', 'tags3']
 *       },
 *       {
 *         text: 'text2',
 *         tags: ['tags4', 'tags5', 'tags6']
 *       }
 *     ]).then(function() {
 *       console.log('Value set');
 *     });
 * @method setValue
 * @param {Array} [values] List of matches
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving when the field is filled
MatchField.prototype.setValue = function(values) {
  var self = this;

  if (!values || !values.length)
    return this.clear();

  return this.clear().then(function() {
    var promises = [];

    // Add matches one by one
    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      promises.push(, values[i]));

    return protractor.promise.all(promises);

 * Sets field value using auto completion.
 * @example
 *     myField.setValueUsingAutoCompletion([
 *       {
 *         text: 'text',
 *         tags: ['tags1', 'tags2', 'tags3']
 *       },
 *       {
 *         text: 'text2',
 *         tags: ['tags4', 'tags5', 'tags6']
 *       }
 *     ]).then(function() {
 *       console.log('Value set');
 *     });
 * @method setValueUsingAutoCompletion
 * @param {Array} [values] List of matches
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving when the field is filled
MatchField.prototype.setValueUsingAutoCompletion = function(values) {
  var self = this;

  if (!values || !values.length)
    return this.clear();

  return this.clear().then(function() {
    var promises = [];

    // Add matches one by one
    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      promises.push(, values[i]));

    return protractor.promise.all(promises);

 * Clears field value by removing all tags.
 * @example
 *     myField.clear().then(function() {
 *       console.log('Field cleared');
 *     });
 * @method clear
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving when the field is cleared
MatchField.prototype.clear = function() {
  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
    var promises = [];

    elementFinder.all(by.repeater('match in matches')).each(function(matchFinder) {
    }).then(function() {
      protractor.promise.all(promises).then(function() {
      }, function(error) {

    return deferred.promise;

 * Tests if field is considered as on error.
 * @example
 *     myField.isOnError().then(function(isOnError) {
 *       console.log('Is field on error ? ' + isOnError);
 *     });
 * @method isOnError
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with a boolean indicating if the field is on error
MatchField.prototype.isOnError = function() {
  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    return elementFinder.getAttribute('class').then(function(classes) {
      var errorClass = 'has-error';
      var reg = new RegExp('^' + errorClass + ' |' + errorClass + ' |' + errorClass + ' |' + errorClass + '$');
      return protractor.promise.fulfilled(reg.test(classes));

 * Gets the add button label.
 * @example
 *     myField.getAddLabel().then(function(label) {
 *       console.log('Add button label: ' + label);
 *     });
 * @method getAddLabel
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the button label
MatchField.prototype.getAddLabel = function() {
  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    return elementFinder.element(by.css('.ov-field-match-add-label')).getText();

 * Gets the input placeholder.
 * @example
 *     myField.getInputPlaceholder().then(function(placeholder) {
 *       console.log('Input placeholder: ' + placeholder);
 *     });
 * @method getInputPlaceholder
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the input placeholder
MatchField.prototype.getInputPlaceholder = function() {
  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    return elementFinder.all(by.css('input')).get(0).getAttribute('placeholder');

 * Gets the tags placeholder.
 * @example
 *     myField.getTagsPlaceholder().then(function(placeholder) {
 *       console.log('Tags placeholder: ' + placeholder);
 *     });
 * @method getTagsPlaceholder
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolving with the tags placeholder
MatchField.prototype.getTagsPlaceholder = function() {
  return this.getElement().then(function(elementFinder) {
    return elementFinder.all(by.css('input')).get(1).getAttribute('placeholder');