OpenVeo server API for plugins

API Docs for: 7.0.0

File: lib/controllers/SocketController.js

'use strict';

 * @module controllers

var util = require('util');
var Controller = process.requireApi('lib/controllers/Controller.js');
var AdvancedEmitter = process.requireApi('lib/emitters/AdvancedEmitter.js');

 * Defines base controller for all controllers which need to handle socket messages.
 * A SocketController is associated to a namespace to be able to emit a message to the
 * whole socket namespace.
 * A SocketController is also associated to an emitter to emit socket's clients' messages to pilots.
 *     // Implement a SocketController : "CustomSocketController"
 *     var util = require('util');
 *     var openVeoApi = require('@openveo/api');
 *     function CustomSocketController(namespace) {
 *, namespace);
 *     }
 *     util.inherits(CustomSocketController, openVeoApi.controllers.SocketController);
 * @class SocketController
 * @extends Controller
 * @constructor
 * @param {SocketNamespace} namespace The socket namespace associated to the controller
function SocketController(namespace) {;

  Object.defineProperties(this, {

     * Socket's namespace associated to the controller.
     * @property namespace
     * @type SocketNamespace
     * @final
    namespace: {value: namespace},

     * An emitter to emits clients' messages.
     * @property emitter
     * @type AdvancedEmitter
     * @final
    emitter: {value: new AdvancedEmitter()}


module.exports = SocketController;
util.inherits(SocketController, Controller);

 * Handles a client's socket's connection.
 * Socket has been established with a client.
 * @method connectAction
 * @param {Socket} socket The socket
SocketController.prototype.connectAction = function(socket) {};

 * Handles a client's socket's disconnection.
 * Socket connection with a client has been lost.
 * @method disconnectAction
 * @param {Socket} socket The socket
SocketController.prototype.disconnectAction = function(socket) {};

 * Handles a client's socket's connection errors.
 * An error occurred on socket's communication.
 * @method errorAction
 * @param {Error} error The error
 * @param {Socket} socket The socket
SocketController.prototype.errorAction = function(error, socket) {};