
OpenVeo back end is an AngularJS single page application served on /be.

The back end relies on a couple of libraries:

  • angular-route to perform single page application routing
  • angular-animate for CSS animations
  • angular-cookies for cookie management
  • angular-i18n for AngularJS default translations
  • fastclick to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
  • angular-bootstrap for basic user interface components
  • angular-formly to build formulars from a JavaScript literal object
  • angular-ui-tree to build an UI tree (not directly used by openveo-core)
  • ng-jsonpath to search on a JSON object (not directly used by openveo-core)
  • ng-tasty to present entities in a dynamic paginated table


Main module (ov)

The main AngularJS module of the back end is named ov and is applied to the HTML root element.

<html ng-app="ov" ng-controller="MainController" ng-strict-di>

    <base href="/be/">

  <div ng-view></div>

It has dependencies on all AngularJS libraries and all AngularJS modules described by OpenVeo plugins. It also defines all core routes:

  • /be/login to access the login page
  • /be to access the back end home page
  • /be/applications-list to access Web service applications page
  • /be/users-list to access users page
  • /be/profile to access user's profile page
  • /be/roles-list to access roles page
  • /be/openveo-settings to access settings page

Nb: Available services / filters defined in ov module are described in the API.

Alert module (ov.alert)

Offers a service to control alerts for the whole application. Alerts are used to display a message to the user.

Nb: Available services defined in ov.alert module are described in the API.

Authentication module (ov.authentication)

Offers a service to authenticate / logout or manipulate authenticated user informations.

Nb: Available services / filters defined in ov.authentication module are described in the API.

Entity module (ov.entity)

Offers a service to manage OpenVeo entities (CRUD).

Nb: Available services defined in ov.entity module are described in the API.

I18n module (ov.i18n)

Defines a service to control back end internationalization and a translate filter to help translate ids from a dictionary.

Nb: Available services / filters defined in ov.i18n module are described in the API.

Storage module (

Offers a service to manipulate the local storage.

Nb: Available services defined in module are described in the API.

TableForm module (ov.tableForm)

Offers a turnkey solution to build formulars and tasty tables.

Formulars are the same as described in angular-formly.

Datatables are a little different from the original ng-tasty datable as actions can be assigned to a row and information about the row can be edited in place. Datatables needs an associated entity to work.

Add a new form

Formulars are massively based on angular-formly. To add a new formular, you have to place the generic formular partial in your HTML code and describe the expected form in your controller.

Include formular partial in your HTML.

<ng-include src="'views/elements/form.html'"></ng-include>

Describes the formular in your controller.

// List of books
$scope.books = [{
  "isbn": "50",
  "name": "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

// Create a scope property "addFormContainer"
$scope.addFormContainer = {};

// Create a property "model" on "addFormContainer", this is were formly will
// stores form results
// This is the model of the form
$scope.addFormContainer.model = {};

// Describe fields just like in formly documentation
$scope.addFormContainer.fields = [
    key: 'name',
    type: 'horizontalInput',
    templateOptions: {
      label: 'Label of the name field',
      required: true,
      description: 'Description of the name field'
    key: 'books',
    type: 'horizontalMultiCheckbox',
    templateOptions: {
      label: 'Books',
      required: false,
      options: $scope.books,
      valueProperty: 'isbn',
      labelProperty: 'name',
      description: 'List of books'
    expressionProperties: {
      'templateOptions.disabled': '!' // disabled when book name is blank

// Add formular submit function
$scope.addFormContainer.onSubmit = function(model) {

  // Return Angularjs promises with its own success or error callback
  // Code to save the formular
  // Generic error or success callback are already chained and executed by the form container
  // in order to display the right message to user and update the form
  return promise;

Add a new datatable

Tables are massively based on ng-tasty. To add a new datatable, you have to place the generic datatable partial in your HTML code and describe the datatable expected behavior in your controller.

Include datatable partial in your HTML.

<ng-include src="'views/elements/dataTable.html'"></ng-include>

Describes the datatable in your controller.

For the example, assume that you need to display a collection of book entity.

  "isbn": "50",
  "name": "Journey to the Center of the Earth",
  "description" : "The story begins in May 1863, in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with Professor Lidenbrock"
  • Initialize tableContainer Object:
// Create tableContainer Object used by DataTable controller
$scope.tableContainer = {};

// Initialize the entity type to enable DataTable controller to retrieve the right entity
$scope.tableContainer.entityType = 'book';
  • Initialize search filters
$scope.tableContainer.filterBy = [
    key: 'name', // the name of the web service parameter
    value: '', // the initial value
    label: 'Label of the name search filter' // the field label

Filters default type is text. Filter type can be set by specifying the type property of the field.

  key: 'query', // the name of the corresponding web service parameter
  type: 'text', // the type of field to use, here field will be represented using a simple text field
  value: '', // the initial value
  label: 'Label of the author search filter' // the field label
  key: 'author', // the name of the corresponding web service parameter
  type: 'select', // the type of field to use, here field will be represented using a combobox
  options : selectOptions, // as field is of type "select", "options" specify select options with, for each option, a property "name" and a property "value"
  value: '', // the initial value
  label: 'Label of the author search filter' // the field label
  key: 'date', // the name of the corresponding web service parameter
  type: 'date', // the type of field to use, here field will be represented using a date picker
  value: '', // the initial value
  label : 'Label of the date search filter' // the field label
  • Initialize DataTable headers
// Automatically, a sort filter is enable on each column except 'Action' column
$scope.tableContainer.header = [{
  key: 'name', // the value to use as the web service sortBy parameter value
  name: 'Label of the name column', // the name of the column
  class: ['col-xs-12 col-sm-11'] // the CSS classes to add on header cell
  key: 'action', // specify a special column named "action" which can't be sorted
  name: 'Label for action button', // the name of the action column
  class: [' hidden-xs col-sm-1'] // the CSS classes to add on header cell

Headers default type is text. Header type can be set by specifying type property on the header. Default types are date (timestamp) and text. But you can add any type if you make your own custom cell renderer (see after).

  key: 'date', // the value to use as the web service sortBy parameter value
  name: 'Label of the date column', // the name of the column
  type: 'date' // the header type
  key: 'author', // the value to use as the web service sortBy parameter value
  name: 'Label of the author column', // the name of the column
  type: 'text' // the header type
  key: 'custom', // the value to use as the web service sortBy parameter value
  name: 'Label of the custom column', // the name of the column
  type: 'myCustomType' // the header type
  • Add a custom cell template renderer according to column key and row value
// Usefull to add HTML value, or filtered value
// if not defined, can print date and text
// if defined, add custom cells renderer to date and text
$scope.tableContainer.cellTheme = '/path/to/cells/template.html';

For example (assuming that entities is the header type to render, and row[entities.key], the value to display)

<span ng-if="entities.type && entities.type == 'type1' && row[entities.key]">{{row[entities.key] | filterType1}}</span>
<span ng-if="entities.type && entities.type == 'type2'" ng-bind-html="row[entities.key] | filterType2"></span>
  • Initialize action enable on each row
$scope.tableContainer.actions = [{
  label: 'Label of action',

  // Enable a Popup confirmation before action execution, default: false if not defined
  warningPopup: true,

  // Condition to enable the action in the dropdown button action
  condition: function(row) {
    return $scope.rights.delete && !row.locked && !row.saving;

  // Function to execute when the action is executed by button
  callback: function(row, reload) {
    // row is the book object on which the action is executed
    // call reload if dataTable need to be reloaded

  // Function to execute when the action is executed by select checkbox action
  // If not defined, this action can't be seen in checkbox actions
  global: function(selected, reload) {
    // selected is the list of selected entity id when global action is executed
    // exemple: [12345,12346,12347,12348,12349]
    actions(selected, reload);
  • Initialize initial sort
$scope.tableContainer.init = {
  sortBy: 'name',  // initial sort key, default: first header column key if not defined
  sortOrder: 'dsc' // initial sort order, default: 'asc' if not defined
  • Display checkbox global selection
//default true if not defined;
$scope.tableContainer.showSelectAll = true;

You can reload a display table manually from other controller by injecting the TableReloadEventService and calling


Datatable dependency: edit a row

DataTable is dependent of an edit form. This form specify what information user can access and/or modify. All properties described in the Add a new form section can be used to describe the form. Main differencies are that the form need to be initialized by the open row (the model is not exposed), and that form fields MUST be editable types.

  • Initialize editFormContainer object
// Create a scope property "editFormContainer"
$scope.addFormContainer = {};

// Create a property "model" on "editFormContainer", this is were formly will
// stores form results
// This is the model of the form
$scope.editFormContainer.model = {};

// Initialize the entity type to retrieve before the row is updated
// to always update the latest value in database.
$scope.editFormContainer.entityType = 'book';

// Add formular submit function
$scope.editFormContainer.onSubmit = function(model) {
    return promises;

// Define if a row can be toggled or not
$scope.editFormContainer.conditionToggleDetail = function(row) {
  return row.state !== 0;
// Define if a row can be edit or not
$scope.editFormContainer.conditionEditDetail = function(row) {
  return !row.locked;
  • Set Fields
// Describe fields just like in formly documentation with OpenVeo editable fields types
$scope.editFormContainer.fields = {
  // the key to be used in the model values
  key: 'name',
  type: 'horizontalEditableInput',
  templateOptions: {
    label: 'label for name input',
    required: true
  • Set Fields dynamically
// Function call when the form is displayed
// Usefull to add fields dynamically according to the open row,
// or retrieve information relative to the row
$scope.editFormContainer.init = function(row) {
  if(row.state == SHOW.PROPERTY){
    var newField = {
      key: 'property',
      type: 'horizontalEditableInput',
      templateOptions: {
        label: 'Label of the new property field'

Field types

OpenVeo defines the following list of formly fields.

Field type Description Specific options
tags Display an input text to add a list of tags availableOptions to specify the list of possible tags with, for each tag, a property "name" and a property "value". If this option is specified it will not be possible to enter tags which are not in the list (default is []) ; placeholder to specify the input placeholder (default to "") ; onChange to specify a function which will be called each time a tag is added or removed (default to null)
match Display an input text and a tags field to build 1 to many associations multiple to specify if more than one association is possible (default to true) ; availableOptions to specify the list of possible tags for the tags field (default to []) ; inputPlaceholder to specify the value of the input field placeholder (default to "") ; tagsPlaceholder to specify the placeholder to use for the tags field (default to "") ; inputProperty to specify the property to use from the model to get the input field value of an association (default to "value") ; tagsProperty to specify the placeholder to use, from the model, to get the tags field values of an association (default to "values") ; addLabel to specify the text of the add button
emptyrow Display a fake field with a static message message to specify the message
section Display an H3 title title to specify the title
ovMultiCheckBox Same as the "multiCheckbox" type defined by angular-formly-templates-bootstrap options the list of checkboxes description objects with a property for the name of the checkbox and a property for the value of the checkbox ; valueProperty to define the property to use to get the checkbox value (default is "value") ; labelProperty to define the property to use to get the checkbox label (default is "name")
ovFile Display a file input with a progress bar using ng-file-upload acceptedTypes a comma separated list of accepted file types as described in ng-file-upload documentation ; onFileChange a function to call when file has changed (it uses ngf-change) ; progressBar a boolean to display or not the progress bar while uploading a file (default to false)
simple Display the value of the model as is -
horizontalInput Same as "input" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "input"
horizontalSelect Same as "select" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "select"
horizontalMultiCheckbox Same as "ovMultiCheckBox" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "ovMultiCheckBox"
horizontalTags Same as "tags" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "tags"
horizontalMatch Same as "match" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "match"
horizontalFile Same as "ovFile" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "ovFile"
horizontalCheckbox Same as "checkbox" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "checkbox"

Nb: All field types defined in angular-formly-templates-bootstrap are also available.

Editable field types

An editable field type is capable of displaying the field or its literal representation depending on "showForm" property of formState object. If "showForm" is set to true, the field is displayed, if set to false, the literal representation of the field is displayed.

OpenVeo defines the following list of editable formly fields.

Field type Description Specific options
editableTags Make field type "tags" editable -
editableInput Make field type "input" editable Same as "input"
editableSelect Make field type "select" editable Same as "select"
editableTags Make field type "tags" editable Same as "tags"
editableCheckbox Make field type "checkbox" editable Same as "checkbox"
ovEditableMultiCheckBox Make field type "ovMultiCheckBox" editable Same as "ovMultiCheckBox"
horizontalEditableInput Same as "editableInput" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "editableInput"
horizontalEditableSelect Same as "editableSelect" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "editableSelect"
horizontalEditableMultiCheckbox Same as "ovEditableMultiCheckBox" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "ovEditableMultiCheckBox"
horizontalEditableTags Same as "editableTags" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "editableTags"
horizontalEditableCheckbox Same as "editableCheckbox" with horizontalBootstrapLabel and bootstrapHasError wrappers Same as "editableCheckbox"

Field wrappers

OpenVeo defines the following list of editable formly wrappers.

Wrapper name Description Specific options
collapse Collapse / Uncollapse a formly field labelCollapse the label of the collapsible element
horizontalBootstrapLabel Put a label in front of a field label the label ; required a boolean to indicates if a "*" character must follow the label
horizontalBootstrapLabelOnly Same as "horizontalBootstrapLabel" but without wrapping the field Same as "horizontalBootstrapLabel"
editableWrapper Display the field or its literal representation depending on "showForm" property of formState object. This is the wrapper used by all editable fields -

Nb: All wrappers defined in angular-formly-templates-bootstrap are also available.

Socket module (ov.socket)

Offers a factory SocketFactory to initialize a connection to the OpenVeo Socket Server.

var socketClient = SocketFactory.initSocket('/myOpenVeoSocketNamespace');

socketClient.on('my.socket.message', function() {