
Plugin translation dictionaries must be stored in i18n directory to be detected by the core.

Translate back end pages

To translate back end pages you'll need to add translations into admin-back-office dictionaries.

Let's pretend we want to add a translation for a back end page of a library plugin.

Add translation to dictionaries


  "BOOK" : {
    "BUY" : "Buy"


  "BOOK" : {
    "BUY" : "Acheter"

Use translation

Then you can use the translate filter defined by the core (more information on OpenVeo core documentation) :

<label ng-bind="LIBRARY.BOOK.BUY | translate"></label>

Note that the translation id is prefixed by the name of the plugin.

Translate front end pages

OpenVeo doesn't provide a particular way of developping the client side of front end pages. There is no JavaScript framework imposed. Thus you should use OpenVeo routes to get a particular dictionary. See OpenVeo core documentation for more information.